Here comes Box 2, and it contains:
Watermelon. 1
White Nectarines.2
Yellow squash.4
Green chard.1
white corn.2
And recipe for veggies:
broccoli: There are four in a bunch. I used one with pasta. The other two for stir-fried, with yellow squash, carrot and shrimp (love the color of this dish!) I'm planning to use the long stems for some Chinese pickle dish as well!
Yellow squash: one in the pasta, one in the stir fried with broccoli so far!
Romaine lettuce: take almost half for stir-fry. Love stir-fried romaine!
Green chard: this is the first time I've ever cooked chard. I was searching for a good recipe online. In the end, I used over half of a bunch for stir-fried, with some red onion and garlic. I did add in about a table spoon of chicken stock to help took the leaves. It turns out pretty nice! I will buy it again in the future. BTW, I keep some and will try with pickling them!
white corn: the plan is to cook the corn with carrot and potato, in some short-pork ribs for a soup (My mom always cook this when I was at home in Taiwan. But we usually have this soup during the winter time...I remember!)
It looks like I cooked a lot of stir-fired dishes lately. And I'm waiting to "kill" the watermelon!! (You'll know what I mean if you're from Taiwan:))
Friday, July 10, 2009
LC Dairy -- Jun 09 II
1. 紅酒燉雞腿
2. 莧菜小魚豆腐羹(用玉米粉勾欠,不夠濃 所以煮起來很不稠!)
3. 味增鮭魚湯(計畫中這不是要用LC鍋煮的。本來用小鍋煮,結果料太多,只好中途換成LC)
3. 普羅旺斯燉菜 (用了前一次做的 tomato sauce 可是這次有點小失敗的地方 是紅椒的皮沒有去乾淨,因為烤得不夠久!)
應該來找找 有什麼夏天的食譜!
1. 紅酒燉雞腿
2. 莧菜小魚豆腐羹(用玉米粉勾欠,不夠濃 所以煮起來很不稠!)
3. 味增鮭魚湯(計畫中這不是要用LC鍋煮的。本來用小鍋煮,結果料太多,只好中途換成LC)
3. 普羅旺斯燉菜 (用了前一次做的 tomato sauce 可是這次有點小失敗的地方 是紅椒的皮沒有去乾淨,因為烤得不夠久!)
應該來找找 有什麼夏天的食譜!
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Door to door organics -- Box 1
I accidentally came across with this website: Door to door organics. DtD organics is a company that delivers fresh organics to their subscribers each week. Once I visited their site, I was really tempted to try one box. I know there are similar service in Taiwan, but I didn't know there's such service here in Colorado as well. There are several reasons that I was attracted to their service: for one, you can choose the size of box that works for you the best. Then you can also exchange items in a box. It's also a great "challenge" to come up with some culinary ideas to use all items in one box. Finally, I choose the "bitty" box to go with my first try, as the price is also quite reasonable.
(I was also looking forward to their "local box," which consists of items from local produce. I subscribed in time just when they started the local box. But in the end I decided not to go for that, because the 1st local box has only veggie items. And I want some fruits as well!)
So here's a list of items I got in my first bitty box:
Red Bell Peppers.2
Red leaf lettuce.1
Spinach.1(I exchange this from the original beets...Not that I don't like beets, it's just I don't have a good recipe with beets!)
So what did I do with these veggies? (I ate/will eat most of the fruits. I'm also considering using some of the fruits for baking!)
Cucumbers: in salads, in Chinese cold noodle salads with sesame sauce
Spinach: in water boiled salads with sesame and Japanese "konbu" soy sauce
Lettuce: in salads
I'm going to use:
Zucchini and Red bell peppers, for Ratatouille. (I wrote the recipe for this one, but in Chinese!)
I'm having fun with my first box. I'll be waiting and planning for the second box!
(I was also looking forward to their "local box," which consists of items from local produce. I subscribed in time just when they started the local box. But in the end I decided not to go for that, because the 1st local box has only veggie items. And I want some fruits as well!)
So here's a list of items I got in my first bitty box:
Red Bell Peppers.2
Red leaf lettuce.1
Spinach.1(I exchange this from the original beets...Not that I don't like beets, it's just I don't have a good recipe with beets!)
So what did I do with these veggies? (I ate/will eat most of the fruits. I'm also considering using some of the fruits for baking!)
Cucumbers: in salads, in Chinese cold noodle salads with sesame sauce
Spinach: in water boiled salads with sesame and Japanese "konbu" soy sauce
Lettuce: in salads
I'm going to use:
Zucchini and Red bell peppers, for Ratatouille. (I wrote the recipe for this one, but in Chinese!)
I'm having fun with my first box. I'll be waiting and planning for the second box!
Saturday, June 13, 2009
fresh tomato sauce with thyme
Wholefood Magazine上的:
1. 用LC鍋,熱兩大匙橄欖油
2. 加入3/4杯切碎的洋蔥,將洋蔥炒到軟,約兩分鐘
3. 加入一大匙切碎的大蒜,再炒三十秒
4. 加入六杯切碎的番茄,兩小匙切碎的新鮮百里香(thyme)
5. 開到中大火,煮到滾後,關到中小火,慢煮20-25分
6. 煮到略為稠狀,最後加鹽和胡椒調味即可
嗯..做得時候 第五步沒看清楚 他是要不加蓋慢煮
我是前面二十分都加蓋煮 而且還很雞婆的加了一小塊冷凍雞高湯
所以最後煮出來 水有點多
還有 原食譜上說用五顆中等大小的番茄 約六杯
可是我用了有九到十顆的Roma tomato 還是湊不到六杯....
結果從Costco買來那一整盒Roma tomato 全被我用掉了!
1. 用LC鍋,熱兩大匙橄欖油
2. 加入3/4杯切碎的洋蔥,將洋蔥炒到軟,約兩分鐘
3. 加入一大匙切碎的大蒜,再炒三十秒
4. 加入六杯切碎的番茄,兩小匙切碎的新鮮百里香(thyme)
5. 開到中大火,煮到滾後,關到中小火,慢煮20-25分
6. 煮到略為稠狀,最後加鹽和胡椒調味即可
嗯..做得時候 第五步沒看清楚 他是要不加蓋慢煮
我是前面二十分都加蓋煮 而且還很雞婆的加了一小塊冷凍雞高湯
所以最後煮出來 水有點多
還有 原食譜上說用五顆中等大小的番茄 約六杯
可是我用了有九到十顆的Roma tomato 還是湊不到六杯....
結果從Costco買來那一整盒Roma tomato 全被我用掉了!
Friday, June 12, 2009
LC Dairy -- Jun 09 I
1. 野菇燉飯 (終於把所有材料準備好...煮完的結論是:嗯!原來燉飯是這樣啊...話說回來 這LC鍋本來就是risotto pot!)
2. 梅乾菜筍乾燒排骨(哇哈哈! 我家才有的好料!! 這時開始愛起可愛的LC鍋)
3. 紅酒燴菇 (繼續...等到把紅酒用完為止吧)
4. fresh tomato sauce with thyme (recipe from Wholefood magazine, 留了一盒丟冷凍庫 也許來拿來做普羅旺斯燉菜吧!)
That's all so far!
1. 野菇燉飯 (終於把所有材料準備好...煮完的結論是:嗯!原來燉飯是這樣啊...話說回來 這LC鍋本來就是risotto pot!)
2. 梅乾菜筍乾燒排骨(哇哈哈! 我家才有的好料!! 這時開始愛起可愛的LC鍋)
3. 紅酒燴菇 (繼續...等到把紅酒用完為止吧)
4. fresh tomato sauce with thyme (recipe from Wholefood magazine, 留了一盒丟冷凍庫 也許來拿來做普羅旺斯燉菜吧!)
That's all so far!
LC Dairy -- May 09
1. 韓國泡菜鍋
2. 紅酒燴菇
...接下來真的不記得了 後來有:
3. 雞高湯 (因為想要做燉飯)
4. 紅蘿蔔玉米馬鈴薯湯 (用煮雞高湯剩下的雞骨做的)
還有呢? 還有呢? 五月應該不只有這樣吧...只好先跳六月!
ps. 想起來了啦! 還有一鍋日式咖哩!
pss. 好像還有一次是燙青菜...應該有
1. 韓國泡菜鍋
2. 紅酒燴菇
...接下來真的不記得了 後來有:
3. 雞高湯 (因為想要做燉飯)
4. 紅蘿蔔玉米馬鈴薯湯 (用煮雞高湯剩下的雞骨做的)
還有呢? 還有呢? 五月應該不只有這樣吧...只好先跳六月!
ps. 想起來了啦! 還有一鍋日式咖哩!
pss. 好像還有一次是燙青菜...應該有
Monday, May 11, 2009
LC Dairy -- Apr 09 II
April 09 -II
1. 燙青菜+紅酒燴菇
2. 魯味一鍋 (雞翅+滷蛋+海帶)
3. 蘿蔔牛蒡排骨湯
4. 淮山雞湯 (終於知道為什麼湯會有酸味 因為用乾的淮山)
5. 雞翅番茄蔬菜湯 (aka 清冰箱湯)
6. 鮭魚味增湯
1. 燙青菜+紅酒燴菇
2. 魯味一鍋 (雞翅+滷蛋+海帶)
3. 蘿蔔牛蒡排骨湯
4. 淮山雞湯 (終於知道為什麼湯會有酸味 因為用乾的淮山)
5. 雞翅番茄蔬菜湯 (aka 清冰箱湯)
6. 鮭魚味增湯
Monday, April 13, 2009
Carrot and Ginger Soup
LA, Getty's Museum
再那裡晃了一天 雖然已經是五月中
那天LA天氣很不好 早上下雨 後來下午才放晴
中午因為實在是太冷了 在它們的Cafeteria 喝到好喝的紅蘿蔔濃湯
記得有濃濃的薑味 喝了馬上就暖起來了
From Whole Foods Market Magazine, Feb 2009
無鹽奶油 1TB
紅蔥頭 兩瓣
紅蘿蔔 1+1/2Cup
紅糖 1+1/2 tsp
柳橙汁 1/2 Cup
高湯 2- 2+1/2 Cup
白米 2Tbs
薑, 切碎 1tsp
1. 溶化奶油 加入 紅蔥頭 炒到透明狀
2. 加入紅蘿蔔 和 薑 拌炒約五分鐘
3. 加紅糖 炒一分
4. 加入柳橙汁 開到中火 煮到開 再加煮三分 煮到水分蒸發到剩下約一半
5. 加入高湯 米(生米) 煮到開後 調味
6. 轉小火 悶煮約三十分 或煮到紅蘿蔔煮爛
7. 放涼 用食物處理機打成泥狀
1. 各種菇類洗凈切塊
2. 熱鍋 下橄欖油 爆香大蒜
3. 加一匙 Herbes de Provence 略炒
4. 菇下鍋 加鹽 紅酒 蓋鍋悶煮
煮個5-8分 菇菇會開始出水
手邊剛好有新鮮的parsley 最後煮好時有切碎一些拌下去
1. 各種菇類洗凈切塊
2. 熱鍋 下橄欖油 爆香大蒜
3. 加一匙 Herbes de Provence 略炒
4. 菇下鍋 加鹽 紅酒 蓋鍋悶煮
煮個5-8分 菇菇會開始出水
手邊剛好有新鮮的parsley 最後煮好時有切碎一些拌下去
LC Dairy -- Apr 09
April 09 -I
1. 燙青菜
2. 排骨高湯
3. 油飯 (可惜最後還是夾生米...either米泡不夠久 or 下次悶到一半 要打開拌拌)
4. 燙青菜+紅酒燴菇 (連續煮兩菜....新鮮香菇好像比較不配)
1. 燙青菜
2. 排骨高湯
3. 油飯 (可惜最後還是夾生米...either米泡不夠久 or 下次悶到一半 要打開拌拌)
4. 燙青菜+紅酒燴菇 (連續煮兩菜....新鮮香菇好像比較不配)
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