Friday, July 10, 2009

Door to door organics -- Box 2

Here comes Box 2, and it contains:

Watermelon. 1
White Nectarines.2
Yellow squash.4
Green chard.1
white corn.2

And recipe for veggies:

broccoli: There are four in a bunch. I used one with pasta. The other two for stir-fried, with yellow squash, carrot and shrimp (love the color of this dish!) I'm planning to use the long stems for some Chinese pickle dish as well!

Yellow squash: one in the pasta, one in the stir fried with broccoli so far!

Romaine lettuce: take almost half for stir-fry. Love stir-fried romaine!

Green chard: this is the first time I've ever cooked chard. I was searching for a good recipe online. In the end, I used over half of a bunch for stir-fried, with some red onion and garlic. I did add in about a table spoon of chicken stock to help took the leaves. It turns out pretty nice! I will buy it again in the future. BTW, I keep some and will try with pickling them!

white corn: the plan is to cook the corn with carrot and potato, in some short-pork ribs for a soup (My mom always cook this when I was at home in Taiwan. But we usually have this soup during the winter time...I remember!)

It looks like I cooked a lot of stir-fired dishes lately. And I'm waiting to "kill" the watermelon!! (You'll know what I mean if you're from Taiwan:))

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